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This week marked the start of a new passion project I've been working on (along side my work as a HMUA), with my beautiful nutritionist friend Kelli, for the last year (ish). It's called 'InsideOut'.


Between Kelli and I, we work with and talk to so many of you about your needs - whether beauty or nutrition related - and very quickly realised that Social Media and the societal cultures around these subjects were so damaging to peoples mindsets, beliefs and behaviours. Although Kelli didn't realise it yet, this thought process, name and idea had quickly snowballed in my mind. So after schmoozing Kelli at dinner with my plan (and essentially relying on her onboarding it), InsideOut was born!


Well, as fully grown adults, we can appreciate the damage that beauty expectations and diet culture can cause, and that was without the added pressure of social media that these younger generations are being raised with. It's become their crutch and source of most information where diet, beauty and lifestyle is concerned. So what better way than to deliver a fun and interactive talk in schools, before these toxic cultures become the core of their belief system. We aim to debunk a lot of what they might see in their feeds, help them understand whats real and what's not, and teach them how to navigate a positive mindset and experience, in order to eliminate any toxic traits and behaviours they unknowingly adopt.


Because it's important. The stories I hear about young girls in particular (though not limited to), struggling with their mental health, with social media being at the core of that, saddens us, and feel it's imperative we do everything we can to help.

Find out more here: WEBSITE | INSTAGRAM

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