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Switching Off from Work and Enjoying My Personal Time

I LOVE what I do. In fact, I'd be tempted to dare say I'm a little bit hooked with what I do for work. Which is great of course! Fortunate for those whom I work for because you can 100% guarantee I love being on your booking. Whether you're a bride, or I'm on set a shoot or some other random project like being a guest assessor or featuring on a podcast. Whatever it is, I just bloody LOVE IT! HOWEVER, and it comes with a huge however... I find it near on impossible to switch off.

Doing what I do requires a LOT of admin and work online, what with having 3 arms to my business - fashion, bridal and education. Again, I equally enjoy this part too - creating content, replying to emails, organising my weeks, engaging with social media notifications, comments, likes, and reaching out to other industry folk. There isn't an end point to your day. It's just continuous, if you allow it to be. I love working for myself, but it's not like I can walk away at the end of the day and switch off, because it follows me around on the form of my mobile phone. The devil.

That said, I have started to make progress on my discipline - I now schedule my phone to go into "rest" mode every evening, meaning all those tempting notifications are muted, unless I physically check.

And now, with a holiday in sight, I have just bought myself a new digital camera (90's style)! My plan will be to leave my phone up in the room all day, and only packing my camera in my beach bag, so that precious moments with my family can be captured, but the temptation of a quick reply here and there to enquiries isn't pulling me in. I will check in on my phone every evening (because let's face it, running your own business means you never really 100% shut down). BUT I can limit my work time or mindless scrolling throughout the day, so I can come home and actually FEEL like I've had a break. THAT'S the plan. Wish me luck!

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