[SIDE NOTE: My opinions below are not targeted, they are extremely generalised, and are by no means meant to offend anyone or make anyone feel attacked. And more importantly, I am talking about extreme oversharing here - multiple daily personal posting.]
Have you ever wondered why the anxiety of todays generation is at an all time high? Some might say it's because we have more awareness and understanding of how anxiety can present itself. We're more educated on mental health. And while I believe this is a huge factor, I also believe that the introduction and use of Social Media is also one of the biggest.
So many live their lives through social media - posting the highlights, the filtered versions of themselves and the things that they might deem impressive to their audience. Everyone has a level of entitlement now - feeling that people are so interested in what's going on in their lives that they just have to overshare it. And this is the point here, 'oversharing'. The fact is, no one, not one single person, has asked to see a picture of your at your current destination, no one has asked to see a picture of your dinner and no one has requested proof of your daily workouts. And if they have, then there's nothing stopping you from sending it to them personally.
And what's the most common reason for this behaviour? The need for validation. We're all guilty of it. Myself included in the past. I've shared workouts, dinners, and all the things I've mentioned above, on a daily basis. I became very self aware that I felt the need to do this, and personally for me, it was because I felt insecure. A familiar feeling in my back catalogue of emotions. But now, it's a blue moon post. Because now, I don't care to share so much. I've learned it allows people to want to catch up, because they've no idea what you've been up to. Else, it's very much a:
"Ah yes, I saw you did this, or that, or went here, or ate that".
Conversation struggles, because there's nothing to actually catch up on anymore.
Why do we need to validate our lives? I have no idea. Literally none. Apart from maybe the feeling that because we're all so invested in snooping on everyone elses feed, that human nature can create a natural need to "match up". To do the things that are picture perfect. Proof your life is just fine. Enviable, if you like. But the reality can be, and often is, rather different. Because in my mind, if you genuinely and whole heartedly weren't concerned about the thoughts and opinions of others, you wouldn't care to constantly (and here I'm talking multiple times a day) share things with them where those opinions might be created. You'd just literally do the thing and enjoy the moment and not feel like you needed everyone else to know about it. But it might be worth adding that on the flip side, you might be a "watcher" of socials, being left to feel inferior or that your lifestyle is inadequate. Either way, Social Media can be toxic, so is important to find a healthy balance where you enjoy it for what it is, and not rely on and get hung up on the number of likes, comments or engagement you receive.
As I say, post sharing can be fun, engaging and certainly a way to keep friends and family up to date with your goings on - but there has to be a balance between doing it on occasion to celebrate the little things and moments, next to the times you can appreciate your experiences without the need to validate them online.
I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this? As I say, it's a topic that could go into great depths, but this is my take on the reason why people can struggle so much more now with their own realities.