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QUICK & EASY TUTORIAL - Warm Blush & Contour

How often do you open up your social media and get faced with stunning makeups, with application processes that seem beyond your capabilities, or confidence. Or maybe it all just seems too much for what you want to wear day to day and you just what to learn how to apply a simple makeup, that can be just as simple to apply while leaving you looking fresh, healthy, and ready for the day! I might be a Professional Makeup Artist, but personally, I'm all about a quick makeup when it comes to my own preferences.

I have 2 young boys who take up a lot of my time in between life, work, wifeing and everything inbetween. So time is of the essence and quite frankly, would be lucky to have the opportunity to sit in front of the mirror, stress and "Muuuuuummmm" free. So the quicker and more effective the makeup, the better!

So here's a trick that ANYONE can do, to bring a bit of healthy colour to your skin, quickly and easily. Use the process once for a subtle natural finish, or repeat the process until you're happy with the level of colour you've built up.

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